Donate Your Calories!Brought to you by DietPower. Turns your PC into a weight-loss coach! Get a free trial.

Losing weight not only makes you healthier, but saves you money because a trimmer body needs fewer calories.  Why not donate your savings to hungry children?  You won't miss the money—it's what you're already spending on overeating.

To learn how much you can donate to charity by reaching your healthiest weight, enter your goals below.

- -
ft. in.
? lbs.
- - ?
? calories per day
Close Goal Weight
To find your ideal weight, look in the green "Healthy" zone on this chart.
Close Target Date
Plan on losing no more than a pound or two per week.  Otherwise, you may eat too little for good nutrition and your weight loss may be temporary.
Close New Exercise
Choose the number of calories per day that you plan to burn in exercise beyond your current level.  Adding a very fast (4 mph) walk will burn about 330 calories per hour if you weigh 150 pounds, 450 if you weigh 200, or 560 if you weigh 250.  (To track calories burned in more than 1000 other activities, download a free copy of DietPower's Personal Weight and Nutrition Coach™.)
Close Food Spending Level
Choose the level that describes your current spending.  The calculator assumes you'll continue spending at that level during your diet while eating less food.  "Thrifty" = lowest spending for a balanced diet.  "Low" = mostly store-brand products, few indulgences.  "Moderate" = average middle-income consumer.  "Liberal" = frequent indulgences.
Close Email Address
DietPower, Inc., will occasionally send you free nutrition news selected by award-winning health journalists (see a sample).  You'll be able to cancel anytime with a single click.  We won't put you on other mailing lists—We're Not That Kind of Company™.  (Read our privacy policy.)


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